Insulin resistance and metabolism: organ crosstalk

The goal of this program is to implement an inventory of the different animal models, tissues and cell cultures used.

Model of crosstalk between diverse organs and pancreatic beta cells under both physiological and insulin-resistant states. The different factors represented may have the potential to enhance glucose-stimulated insulin secretion or beta-cell proliferation (as IGF-1—insulin-like growth factor-1; GLP-1—glucagon-like peptide-1; kisspeptin1 and SCFAs—short-chain fatty acids) or negatively contribute to reduce functional beta-cell mass during type 2 diabetes progression (as leptin, CXCL10 and EVs—extracellular vesicles—from inflamed adipocytes or insulin-resistant muscle cells). 


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A new article from Cécile Haumaitre and collaborators discusses the origin of pancreatic lesions associated with pancreatic cancer

A new article from Cécile Haumaitre and collaborators discusses the origin of pancreatic lesions associated with pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is currently the fourth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. It is projected to become the second leading cause of cancer death by 2030. Unfortunately, PDAC is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, resulting in a 5-year survival rate of less than 10%. Since the most common precancerous lesions of PDAC are currently not clinically detectable, understanding the mechanisms that lead to their formation and progression is crucial to enabling early diagnosis and more effective therapeutic intervention.

Journée Thématique SFD

Journée Thématique SFD

la Journée Thématique de la SFD aura lieu cette année le 15 décembre 2023 à l’Institut Pasteur de Paris, et sera consacrée au sujet «Diabète, îlots et Insulino-Sécrétion».