Immunity and Metabolism of Diabetes

IMMEDIAB stands for immunity and metabolism of diabetes.

We work towards revealing therapeutic potential of immunometabolism in the world’s fastest growing disease, diabetes.



IMMEDIAB wants to establish a comprehensive understanding of the transcriptomic and epigenomic pathways that control monocyte and macrophage function and of the epigenetic enzymes involved in monocyte and macrophage differentiation and activation.

Future Directions

Our key challenges in the upcoming years will be to study epigenetic changes in human diabetes and to better understand how epigenetic pathways control the inflammatory repertoire in diabetic complications.


  • Orliaguet L., Ejlalmanesh T., Humbert A., Ballaire R., Diedisheim M., Julla J-B., Chokr D., Cuenco J., Michieletto J., Charbit J., Lindén D., Boucher J., Potier C., Hamimi A., Lemoine S., Blugeon C., Legoix P., Lameiras S., Baudrin L.G., Baulande S., Soprani A., Castelli F.A., Fenaille F., Riveline J-P., Dalmas E., Rieusset J., Gautier J-F., Venteclef N., Alzaid F. (2022). Early macrophage response to obesity encompasses Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 regulated mitochondrial architecture remodelling. Nat Commun. Aug 30;13(1):5089. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32813-z.
  • Potier L., Mohammedi K., Saulnier P-J., Fumeron F., Halimi J-M., Venteclef N., Marre M., Hadjadj S., Roussel R., Velho G. (2022). Plasma Adrenomedullin, Allelic Variations in the ADM Gene, and Risk for Lower-Limb Amputation in People With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. Jul 7;45(7):1631-1639. doi: 10.2337/dc21-2638.
  • Julla J-B., Jacquemier P., Fagherazzi G., Vidal-Trecan T., Juddoo V., Jaziri A., Mersel H., Venteclef N., Roussel R., Massin P., Couturier A., Gautier J-F., Riveline J-P. (2021). Is the Consensual Threshold for Defining High Glucose Variability Implementable in Clinical Practice? Diabetes Care. Jul;44(7):1722-1725. doi: 10.2337/dc20-1847. Epub 2021 Jun 7.
  • Alzaid F., Julla J-B., Diedisheim M., Potier C., Potier L., Velho G., Gaborit B., Manivet P., Germain S., Vidal-Trecan T., Roussel R., Riveline J-P., Dalmas E., Venteclef N., Gautier J-F. (2020). Monocytopenia, monocyte morphological anomalies and hyperinflammation characterise severe COVID-19 in type 2 diabetes. EMBO Mol Med. Oct 7;12(10):e13038. doi: 10.15252/emmm.202013038. Epub 2020 Sep 11
  • Drareni K., Ballaire R., Alzaid F., Goncalves A., Chollet C., Barilla S., Nguewa J-L., Dias K., Lemoine S., Riveline J-P., Roussel R., Dalmas E., Velho G., Treuter E., Gautier J-F., Venteclef N. (2020). Adipocyte Reprogramming by the Transcriptional Coregulator GPS2 Impacts Beta Cell Insulin Secretion. Cell Rep. Sep 15;32(11):108141. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108141.

Last news

A new article from Cécile Haumaitre and collaborators discusses the origin of pancreatic lesions associated with pancreatic cancer

A new article from Cécile Haumaitre and collaborators discusses the origin of pancreatic lesions associated with pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is currently the fourth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. It is projected to become the second leading cause of cancer death by 2030. Unfortunately, PDAC is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, resulting in a 5-year survival rate of less than 10%. Since the most common precancerous lesions of PDAC are currently not clinically detectable, understanding the mechanisms that lead to their formation and progression is crucial to enabling early diagnosis and more effective therapeutic intervention.

Journée Thématique SFD

Journée Thématique SFD

la Journée Thématique de la SFD aura lieu cette année le 15 décembre 2023 à l’Institut Pasteur de Paris, et sera consacrée au sujet «Diabète, îlots et Insulino-Sécrétion».