Seminar, meeting and symposium
Save the date for the following events …
Journée Scientifique conjointe Institut du Diabète et Graduate School METOD
Keynotes of Stefan Trapp (University College London) and Marc Donath (University of Basel)
6th Symposium of the French Network on Monocytes-Macrophages – SoMM2023 –
This event is organized by the Macrophage Club Îles-de-France (MCI), with support from the National Macrophage Club Community (MaCRO), with the goal of bringing together experts in France working on the biology of monocytes and macrophages.
Symposium Institut Cochin “Why sex matters … in health and disease”
When : Friday, November 17, 2023.
Where : Institut Cochin
Registration – Deadline October 31, 2023
Demi-journée Scientifique de l’IHM “Dialogue inter-organes dans le diabète””
L’IHM du Diabète vous invite à sa demi-journée scientifique sur la thématique du « Dialogue inter-organes dans le diabète » le 4 Juillet 2023 de 9h à 13h, Amphithéâtre 3 Site Necker, 160 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris Lien vers le formulaire d’inscription : ...
19th IDS Congress Paris 2023
19th IDS Congress
May 23–27, 2023
Paris, France
Organized by Roberto Mallone & David Klatzmann
30th European Congress on Obesity
The 30th European Congress on Obesity takes place from 17-20 May 2023 in Dublin, Ireland
SFD Meeting
The replay of the SFD congress hold in Montpellier are now on line