
La science par ses auteurs – Diabète et Covid – Fawaz Alzaid
Le diabète de type 2 est un des facteurs de risque de développement d’une forme grave de la Covid-19. Identifier les marqueurs immunitaires et inflammatoires associés à ces formes sévères de la maladie chez cette population de patients permettrait de les prendre en...

New Publication from IMMEDIAB
Adipose tissue macrophages (ATM) adapt to changes in their energetic microenvironment. Caloric excess, in a range from transient to diet-induced obesity, could result in the transition of ATMs from highly oxidative and protective to highly inflammatory and...

An editorial from Francine Behar-Cohen & Anat Loewenstein
The pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy in humans remains imperfectly understood; in particular, the kinetics of the various pathogenic events in the very early stages of retinal damage are difficult to recognize. Animal models are useful but they do not...

New Publication from IMMEDIAB
The relationship between macrophage phenotype and macrophage metabolism is well established, however its precise directionality is still under question. By modulating several metabolic pathways in bone marrow-derived macrophages, we show that disruption of cellular...

Postdoctoral position
Fully funded 2-year Post-doctoral position in the team of Dr. Ralf JOCKERS, at Institute Cochin (Paris, France)