

Journée Thématique SFD

Journée Thématique SFD

la Journée Thématique de la SFD aura lieu cette année le 15 décembre 2023 à l’Institut Pasteur de Paris, et sera consacrée au sujet «Diabète, îlots et Insulino-Sécrétion».

Discovery of new rare genetic forms of obesity

Discovery of new rare genetic forms of obesity

This study, from Ralf Jockers and Julie Dam’s team as part of a European network for the prevention of childhood obesity, OBELISK,defines impaired GLP1R cell surface expression as a risk factor for traits associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity and provides potential treatment options for GLP1R LoF variant carriers.

Serotonergic neurons are involved in the counter-regulatoryresponse to hypoglycemia

Serotonergic neurons are involved in the counter-regulatoryresponse to hypoglycemia

Christophe Magnan and Céline Cruciani-Guglielmacci in collaboration with the team of Xavier Fioramonti highlight a new neuronal network involved in the regulation of the counter-regulatory response  In particular, this study shows that DR 5-HT neurons detect iatrogenic hypoglycemia in response to the increased insulin level and may play an important role in this regulation.


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