
Collaborative work of REGLYS Team
Innate immune mediators of pathogen clearance, including the secreted C-type lectins REG3 of the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) family, are known to be involved in the regulation of tissue repair and homeostasis. Their role in metabolic homeostasis remains unknown. Here the authors show that…

30th European Congress on Obesity
The 30th European Congress on Obesity takes place from 17-20 May 2023 in Dublin, Ireland

New review from IMMEDIAB Team
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) represents a global threat affecting millions of patients worldwide. However, its causes remain incompletely dissected and we lack the tools to predict which individuals will develop T2D.. Here, the authors propose that a significant proportion of individuals may harbor an immune profile that renders them susceptible to developing T2D. W

New article from the team “Insulin signaling, glucose sensing and glucotoxicity”
Insulin resistance per se drives early and reversible dysbiosis-mediated gut barrier impairment and bactericidal dysfunction

A review from Movassat team
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by a chronic hyperglycemia due to an impaired insulin secretion and a decreased in peripheral insulin sensitivity. This disease is a major public health problem due to it sharp prevalence. Therefore, it is crucial to readapt therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this pathology. One of the strategies would be through P2-type purinergic receptors pathway via ATP binding.

From the Scharfmann ‘s Lab
Here, using a flow cytometry-based strategy, we compared the impact of IFNγ, one of the main cytokines involved in T1D, on the three endocrine cell subsets isolated from C57BL/6 mouse islets.

SFD Meeting
The replay of the SFD congress hold in Montpellier are now on line

First Scientific Day of the Metabolic Disorder Graduate School
When: 2nd of December 2022
Where: Amphi Vulpian et Galerie St Germain 12, rue de l’école de médecine 75006 Paris